Ecogalvanic Ltd
Chrome (III) decorative and corrosion-resistant surface treatments of metals
About the company
Ecogalvanic Ltd
Is a Swedish owned company located in East Industrial Zone of Ruse. Production facilities are located on an area of 3000 m2 with an option to expand with 5000 m2 more.
The company is acting as a subcontractor of metal processing, furniture and automotive companies.
Екогалваник ЕООД има ИП “Монтиране на второ изпускащо устройство към автоматична инсталация за тривалентно Никел – Хром покритие, с местоположение ПИ 47336.82.84

Ecogalvanic Ltd. was established in Bulgaria late 2004 as a joint Bulgarian – Swedish company.
In 2005 Ecogalvanic Ltd. started a Nickel-Chrome rack line.
In 2007 an automatic Zinc rack line was started.
Chrome (III) decorative and corrosion-resistant surface treatments of metals technology

An electrolytic, inorganic, corrosion protective coating system suitable for application on parts which require very high corrosion resistance such as parts for automotive or construction industry.

Acid Zinc
Electroplated zinc is the most economical and effective treatment for functional and decorative corrosion protection. Metal parts can be plated on racks as well as in drums. Acid Zinc gives very bright and ductile coating.

Nickel/ Nickel Chrome 3+
Electrolytic decorative NiCr 3+ plating is suitable for interior car parts, furniture and home appliance, etc.